24 Mar, Hawke's Bay

What is Retirement Village Living Really Like?


11am - 12pm


Call our sales team on 06 833 5852 to RSVP

Join our upcoming seminar at Summerset Palms

Hear a daughter’s firsthand perspective on her parents’ journey, from the decision to move, right through to moving day. And the highs and lows in between.

We’ll share learnings from Summerset residents on what they love about retirement village living and what they found challenging. We’ll also answer commonly asked questions, like “Can I bring my fur-baby?” or “Can my grandchildren swim in the pool?” These two are easy, yes!

A fun and informative session for any family considering a move.

Please RSVP to book your seat. Call Michele Ballantine-Wooley on 06 833 5852 or email teawa.sales@summerset.co.nz

Can't make it to the event?

Learn more about the village with a free information pack