13 Aug 24 - Resident stories

"From the day I moved in I knew I'd made the right decision."

When considering retirement living, people often focus on moving into a home similar to the size they’re currently in. But for Summerset Waikanae resident, Elizabeth Hazlett, moving into a two-bedroom cottage has given her the freedom to enjoy what is important.

“I started to feel that maintaining a place of my own was getting a bit much. The garden and the house, just having all that responsibility, I felt it was time for me to move on. I looked at other retirement villages, but I had a really good feeling about Summerset". Said Elizabeth.

“I had a three-bedroom home, but it had stairs and it’s one of the things my family were quite keen for me to move away from. I used to make the excuse that it kept me fit, which I think it did, but there were also concrete steps outside as well. And although I was still coping, you only have to have one fall, particularly on concrete steps. So, the timing was definitely right.”

Elizabeth’s two sons flew from their homes in Tauranga and Christchurch to assist with the move. They organised the moving truck, packing, and selling of the house. As a team, they worked together to make the move seamless, reducing the stress that can come with change and making new memories in the process.

Downsizing isn’t as daunting as it sounds. As you go through the process of selecting what to keep and what to give away, it can be an uplifting experience passing on items you treasure to those you love.

“I was quite practical about it, really. And the kids were really happy about me making the move. That helped because I was moving out of the house where they grew up, went to the local school and college, and we had good family times there. But it was time to move on and I'd made that decision, and that made it easier to declutter.” Said Elizabeth.

“You’ve got to be a bit ruthless, but my daughter took a lot of my stuff. One particular thing I knew I wouldn't have room for, was a couple of big cabinets of Royal Crown Derby China. My granddaughter said she’d like the China, but she’s going overseas after finishing her studies. So, my daughter will pass it onto her, and use it as a family heirloom.”

A two-bedroom cottage, which doesn’t have a garage, might conjure up images of a thatched roof, shoe boxed-sized house. But Summerset cottages are just the right size for a couple or individual looking to spend more time socialising and engaging in their favourite activities. Complete with a picture-perfect kitchen with an island that has storage, two generously sized bedrooms, open plan lounge and the benefit of less maintenance.

“Friends that walk in the door say, WOW, and get quite a surprise. It’s big enough for me, there’s not so much to clean. I think initially you automatically think you need to have a garage. But I have a carpark right outside."

"I wanted to declutter, and I didn't want to have a garage full of stuff that I'm not going to use, and I've managed to do that.”

Downsizing and moving into Summerset hasn’t just freed Elizabeth from excess items around her home, it’s also given her clarity on how she was really feeling before making the move.

“I realise now, that over the last couple of years, I was beginning to get a bit depressed in my environment. Since I have been here, even my friends have said, ‘you seem a lot happier’. And I am. It’s having the freedom to be able to enjoy life without all those responsibilities.” Said Elizabeth.

Before moving in, Elizabeth knew she would make at least one new friend in the village. “When I bought the place, the Sales Manager told me that there was a lady named Barbara who was moving in, and said I’d get on well with her. Then a friend of mine told me she had a friend moving in named Barabra and that I’d get on well with her. So, when I met Barbara, I said ‘We’re going to have to get on well because I’ve been told by two people that we will" laughed Elizabeth “And she’s just lovely. We go out shopping and walking together.”

From passing down heirlooms to finding the home that’s just right, Elizabeth’s move into a cottage has been a positive step in her retirement journey. But there’s so much more ahead.

“I feel very much as if I'm meant to be here. I’m comfortable and safe, the cottage is big enough for me, and you don't buy it for other people do you, you buy it for yourself.” Said Elizabeth “From the day I moved in, I knew I'd made the right decision. Friends that have come to visit me say the same thing. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone thinking about making the move.”

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