Governance documents
Our board has developed the following charters and policies to facilitate good corporate governance and to help maintain the highest standards of business behaviour.
Board Charter (PDF | 35KB)
Audit and risk committee charter (PDF | 35KB)
Clinical governance committee charter (PDF | 32KB)
People and culture committee charter (PDF | 32KB)
Development and construction committee charter (PDF | 33KB)
External audit independence (PDF | 120KB)
Diversity and inclusion (PDF | 176KB)
Code of ethics (PDF | 30KB)
Code of conduct (PDF | 135KB)
Market disclosure and communications (PDF | 121KB)
Securities trading policy and guidelines (PDF | 38KB)
Board and Executive remuneration (PDF | 137KB)
Whistle blowing (PDF | 42KB)
Supplier code of conduct (PDF | 83KB)
Modern slavery (PDF | 142KB)
Sustainability (PDF | 234KB)
Anti-bribery and corruption policy (PDF | 106KB)
Other documents
Modern slavery statement (PDF | 990KB)