Retire Ready Workbook


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Thanks for requesting the Retire Ready Workbook, your download is available in the link below.

Liz has broken down the steps to become Retire Ready in this comprehensive and easy to read workbook. The workbook covers key topics and considerations for your future, how to start making changes now, and what to keep in mind as you near retirement.

Learn why retirement planning is vital, how to plan for the retirement you’d like to have, and the three stages of retirement; ‘Live it up’, ‘Fix it up’, ‘Wind it down’

Dive deeper with our Retire Ready webinars

Retire Ready includes a series of live webinars hosted by Liz Koh. During these webinars you’ll learn valuable insights and tools to build on the information you learn in the Retire Ready workbook. An overview of each webinar is below.

Once registered, we’ll send you a reminder with webinar dates and times, so you can tune in and take notes, ready for the Q&A section at the end.

Estate planning

Date: 16 October

Time: 3pm

Ever wondered if you still need health and life insurance as you age, how to plan passing on your wealth, or what may happen if you need to access a level of care in the future? Then this is the session for you.

Live Q & A

Date: 20 November

Time: 3pm

Live Q&A with Qs on any money topic, with questions sent in advance.

Meet Liz Koh

Helping you on your retirement journey
Liz established her financial planning company, Moneymax, in 1999. A flourishing business, and a knack for practical advice, led to her sharing commentary and insightful articles on managing money in a range of media. Liz published a best-selling book; Your Money Personality: Unlock the Secret to a Rich and Happy Life, Awa Press, 2008. Liz sold her Moneymax business in 2020.

Liz established her business, Enrich Retirement, in 2021. Bringing experts together to provide useful information and resources to help people get the most out of their retirement years. Liz has a Masters in Economics, is a Certified Financial Planner, and retired Chartered Accountant.

The advice given by Liz is general and does not constitute specific advice to any person.

Get in touch

If you have any questions you’d like added to the Q&A webinar, or general queries about the Retire Ready series, please get in touch by emailing us at;